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Away3D Typescript training at Degamm Moscow

The Away Foundation is pleased to announce a second training day for Away3D Typescript will be held in Moscow as part of the annual Devgamm conference.

The previous training held in Kiev in December last year was a blast, and we now hope to repeat this success in slightly warmer climes 😉

The one-day …

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Away Foundation roadmap 2014

Welcome to another roadmap post, a condensed report outlining some of the areas we will be focussing on over the next few months. This year, we are looking to dedicate time to several new development platforms, extending the Away3D engine’s reach and offering more publishing options to our user base. We also have planned upgrades …

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Away3D Typescript Training at Devgamm


The Away Foundation is pleased to announce the first training day for Away3D Typescript will be held in Kiev as part of the annual Devgamm conference.

The one-day workshop will take place on the 6th December, the day before Devgamm. Cost is currently only $25 for the entire day, but hurry as these early-bird …

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Away3D at Mosaic3DX


The Away Foundation is pleased to announce its participation in the Mosaic3DX conference, occurring this month on the 30th and 31st October at the Microsoft Research Center in Cambridge, UK.

Mosaic3DX is a science & technology conference focusing on imaging, visualisation, and 3D graphics systems. We’ll be presenting a hour-long session on Away3D, and …

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Away3D at Mozfest London 2013


This weekend, The Away Foundation will be attending the annual Mozfest conference in Ravensbourne, London. As one of the facilitators, we will be arriving armed with a ton of useful demos and advice on how to build games with Away3D. You’ll be able to find our booth in the Open Games area where you’ll have …

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Away3D 4.1.4 Gold release

Away3D 4.1.4 Gold release

The Away3D Team & The Away Foundation are pleased to announce the release of Away3D 4.1.4 Gold. This is a significant milestone in Away3D development with the 4.1 branch becoming the official production ready release of Away3D, merging with the master branch on GitHub and marking the completion of the first completed software development …

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Away3D 4.1.1 Beta release

Away3D 4.1.1 Beta release

The Away Foundation are pleased to announce the release of Away3D 4.1.1 Beta. This update builds on the wealth of new functionality to come out with the alpha in November last year, providing the some of the optimisations and stability required for production use. We will be continuing this process now, right up until the …

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Away Foundation roadmap & releases

Over the last few weeks, there has been much internal discussion around our development roadmaps for the various libraries of the Away Foundation. We can confirm that Adobe is continuing its role as strategic sponsor of the foundation, and as we move forward this year, one of the core areas of management we will be …

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