Today we are pleased to announce the roadmap for the Away3D 4.0 gold release. This has been a long time coming, but we are now in the final stages of preparation and are excited to be clearing our issues in the buglist, submitting a few last-minute tweaks to the API and preparing both code and workflow demos for public release once the final version hits.
Away3D 4.0 gold is scheduled for launch the week beginning 16th July, and will include all support material (docs, tutorials, articles), source code and release notes. This release will not be adding any new features, and is primarily for stability and API issue resolving.
Towards the end of June, work will also begin on Away3D 4.1 Alpha. This version is intended to showcase a few of the newer areas of development we’ve been alluding to at recent conference appearances, with the emphasis being on high-end graphic abilities such as particle effects, post-processing techniques and advanced shading options. A full list of intended features will be released via blog post in the near future.
In the meantime, we have published our recent 2012 showreel video on both YouTube andVimeo, which we hope will give some encouragement and inspiration for using Away3D 4.0 in your future projects. If you are currently working on a project using Away3D that you’d like us to feature in the showcase section, please get in touch via email, forum or the showcase submissions form.
In order to follow the preparation of the 4.0 gold release candidate on Github, simply point your git client to the ‘release’ branch in the away3d-core-fp11 repository and you should have access to all reported fixes and updates as commits are made. As always, we appreciate your feedback and the reporting of any new bugs you may be aware of. Issues deemed out of 4.0 scope will be assigned the 4.1 Alpha milestone tag in the issues tracker and will be dealt with in a separate sweep once the 4.0 release is complete. Thanks for your support!
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